Hi everyone, here I have a list of things you should do when you're bored or activities to do when you are alone!
Honestly, some of us are way too concerned about spending d a y s with our friends when we really need to step back and give ourselves quality "me" time.
SO, we shall act from this list and make them happen!
- Go somewhere new... a pro of this (if you are doing it alone) is that you don't have to compromise, he he. You can do whatever you want and not have to exchange those overly used questions of "what do you want to do" or "idk what to do" Ride Solo!
- Read a Book... Yes! definitely indulge yourself in a book! I do this very so often. There is a book for every feeling and every life. &&& you could possibly expand your vocabulary! I pay very close attention to this, when I've never heard of a word before, I usually write it down. :p
- Go to a Coffee Shop... This would be a great opportunity to get things done, for ex: homework, work, and maybe some reading since the environment there seems to always be so mellow and calm.
- Stargaze... Gosh, this is one of my favorites. I don't do it as often as I wish I could, but when I do I embrace the moment. If you do this for a long time, especially alone, you really do start to think, and if your reaallly starin' you get this connected feeling with the world and its an eye-opening experience.
- Take A Selfie... Actually, take a bunch of selfies until you get it right! lol Its okay if you feel beautiful or over attractive. Grasp the feeling and capture it forever.
- Listen to New Music... There is just an overwhelming amount of music out there, I could almost skip a beat. Nothing is better then opening yourself to new things.
- TV Marathon... okay, who wouldn't enjoy a whole day of watching your favorite shows? Um..
- Run as far as you can... This is a great opportunity to see what kind of environment you live in. I don't particularly live in the city, so when I run I can run all the way to a near by lake! But if this is not your case, then you can most likely find a green belt where you reside!
- DIY'S... It is always fun and exciting to be crafty and make things yourselves. & it is very easy to find a project on the web you would like to do. You should mainly focus on something you've wanted. Maybe you want a new lipstick, well then make it yourself 'cause your broke! Ha, Just kidding that would be my case. But really, surf the web and you'll find tons of things you can make in the comfort of your own home.
- Smile... wow, why am I putting this? Everyone should smile, I should smile, even when you don't feel like it. You don't even know that your smile could be making someone's day. And, it could make you happy even when your not.
I wrote this solely for the reason that I need to be more productive and need to challenge myself more. And I know there are people out there that feel the same way.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and attained something from this post.
P.s some of these idea's I got from another blog, and really liked them . :)
P.s some of these idea's I got from another blog, and really liked them . :)